Pregnant? What options are there for new mums to earn money?
Victoria Beckham: a typical mumpreneur? Celebrity designer is not hanging up her Louboutins for maternity leave any day soon!
Podcast: Lisa Tobias, award-winning Dominos Pizza franchisee
Podcast: Avon Lady calling…could you be successful with Avon?
Calling all business mums, mummy bloggers and parenting-focused service and product providers
Podcast: Nicole Croft, The Good Birth Companion
How to really cut the cost of your home insurance
Consider entering a business award and see what it can do for your business
Gemma Johnson, 36, founder of the BaBeeCard should know. She’s won a number of awards in the years since running her business in 2007. “It gives you a great sense of direction to enter business awards, assured Gemma. “The process makes you focus on what you have achieved so far and where you want your career to go she adds.â€
Postnatal depression can affect mums-to-be…so what should you do if you are still at work when it starts?
Postnatal depression (PND) may be common, but that doesn’t make it any easier for the women going through it. We regularly read about it in the media, we might know someone with it, or have at least followed a celebrity’s battle with it. However, despite the prevalence and awareness of postnatal depression, the reality is that women who are actually experiencing it, feel very, very alone.
Having a baby is a huge adjustment for any woman, but can be more so if she is used to working full time. The majority of first time mothers are used to going out to work, and many find themselves feeling isolated or trapped at home with their baby, missing the social interaction and mental stimulation of work.
Despite missing work, returning to the workplace can trigger or exacerbate postnatal depression. Having a baby is hard, and trying to juggle a newborn with paid employment is even more stressful.
Given the chance, would you take your child to work?
The iPad challenge: can I really justify my purchase and run my business solely from it?
Looking for a new job? Here is a list of employers who actually value women in the workplace

Women still experience inequality in the workplace today – from the unnecessary and unfair gender pay gap, to sex discrimination when it comes to promotion or even getting job in the first place (especially if you of childbearing age), so it’s always a plus to see some employers doing the right thing by women, and valuing us.
If you’re looking for a new job, or thinning about returning to work after a break from employment to look after your children, then you will want to work for a company that sees the value that you have to bring, and not the potential problems (and often unavoidable ones), like a sick child, or childcare issues.
The Excellence In Practises Awards recognise large employers from the private and public sectors that have put gender issues firmly on their business agendas. In a moment, you’ll be able to see what employers are doing to empower women in the workplace.
Top three business tips from Rebecca Jones (@RedShoeBizWoman)
It’s time for battle: are you a mum who feels inadequate at the school gates? Use the Easter Holidays to raise the bar
If you are a mum of school aged children, you may well be relieved to get some respite – not of the school run, but because you can avoid other mums at the school gate…
And not, it’s not because of back biting, fake smiles, getting blanked by other mums or boring small talk (as annoying as they may be!), but it’s probably because you want a much-needed break from the indiscreet fashion and beauty contests or just feeling inadequate about your attempts to keep up appearances.
According to a recent surgery, 50% of mums feel under pressure to look good because of other mums and surprisingly only 10% feel the same pressure from celeb mums. But despite this, only a third of mums spend less than five minutes in the morning doing their make-up compared to one-fifth of women who do not have children.
How to lend money to friends and family without leaving a hole in your pocket
How to set achievable goals for yourself

Do you ever feel like your day has ended with you doing a lot of things, but not achieving anything? It’s no wonder with all the juggling us parents have to do – but it’s also no excuse…
We are living in a very demanding world, and the reality is that there is simply not enough time to do everything that we want to do in a working day, so we just need to manage the time that we do have effectively so that we can get the most out of it.
With goal setting techniques, we cfor maximise the use of your time. here are some key goal setting techniques that you can start using today to maximise your time: