Category: Lifestyle

How to Use a Credit Card Responsibly

Being a mother is hard enough, but when you’re also trying to manage a household budget, it can feel like an impossible task. One area where many mothers struggle is using a credit card responsibly. If you’re trying to get…

How to Save Money on Transportation

As a mother, one of your highest priorities is making sure your family has what it needs to live a comfortable life. A big part of that is having a safe and reliable means of transportation. But with the rising…

10 Habits of Effective Women

Many successful, effective women share a lot of the same characteristics. These characteristics help them maintain a healthy lifestyle while also working to achieve their goals, both in their personal life and at work. Effective women are capable of maintaining…

How to Deal With Unwarranted Criticism

Are you the type of person who can take criticism well? Or, do you crumble under the weight of someone’s opinion of you?  Whether it’s constructive or not, dealing with any kind of criticism can be tough. But, there are…

Ask Yourself These Questions to Discover Your Passions

Do you think your career is related to what you’re passionate about? Do you think you would enjoy your work more if it was? A lot of people find themselves in jobs because of convenience, location and/or pay, rather than…

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