Name: Helen Townshend
Job title: Designer and entrepreneur for fashion brand Chin Choi
Industry: Fashion
Employer: Self-employed

Helen Townshend, designer and founder of the online fashion store Chin Choi

Have you always worked while you had your children?
Yes – but in a variety of different permutations. I was previously a marketing consultant and I worked part-time for seven years (working from one to four days a week), then full time for three years, then did no work at all for a few years, and I?m now running my own business.

What was the motivating factor for this?
Having been lucky enough to have children, I wanted to find a way of spending time with them while also being able to continue doing the work I?ve always enjoyed (and obviously earning money was a factor too!).

What are the best bits about staying in work while you have raised your children?
Two major things: a) being able to do something which stretches your brain in a different way to the world of children: and b) meeting and dealing and having friendships with work colleagues. Sometimes, being a stay-at home mum can be quite solitary and lonely.

If you could have your time again would you make a different choice?
No regrets, although there were times when it was very tough, I feel incredible lucky that I’ve been able to have choices on the work patterns I can adopt.

Has working and raising a family been challenging? If so how?
Most definately, mainly because nothing is static. You just think you’ve got something sussed and then conditions change – e.g. you think your children will need you when they are little, but as they get older they’ll become less demanding, but in fact as they get older they need their mum even more to talk to home from school, or the ever-present fear that you childcare arrangements might collapse ? when it does, it?s often at the most inconvenient times.

What is available to mothers now that you wish you had access to when your family was young?
The support community on the internet has burgeoned since my eldest were born.

How have you managed to stay on top of your career with the demands of motherhood?
You need the support of your partner, the confidence that your children are happy, and a rigorous approach to time-keeping!

What has been the high point along the way?
On the work front there have been many moments when I’ve felt exhilarated at achieving various things (e.g. as marketing director at Cable and Wireless when we launched the new UK company), but one of most memorable and touching was being given ‘permission’ to work by my six-year-old daughter. As we walked to her school one morning she said: ?Mummy lots of the mummy’s are very grumpy when they stand in the playground. I’m glad you work because it makes you happy.?

What is your worst experience along the way?
Quite a lot of experiences here, but one of the worst was being away on a work conference, when one of my children was rushed to A&E because of an accident. Suddenly, I realised that I had missed too many sports days and school assemblies.

Any tips for expectant mums, or mothers who feel that you can’t have a successful career and a happy family life at the same time?
The answer is you definitely can do both ? it will be hard work, but the rewards are great. Just don’t be too hard on yourself and be prepared to feel some guilt some of the time as you try to be all things to all people.

If you would like to tell your story to inspire other mums, drop us a line at


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