The shop shelves are packed with all kinds of ?pick me ups?, from synthetic pills to canned energy drinks, but Reishi offers a natural and unique remedy that could be the healthy answer to our problems.
You have a job list the length of your arm, the kids are screaming and there seems to be no end in sight. Sometimes being a parent can all be a bit too much and the last thing on your mind is keeping fit and eating healthily.
If I had a pound for every time I heard how rest and relaxation is the best medicine when you?re feeling stressed and tired, I?d be a millionaire. But the reality is that sometimes getting that ?me? time is just not possible and a little helping hand is needed.
An ancient remedy that has just hit the UK and is hailed as the Oriental secret of youth, health and beauty may well be the helping hand you?re looking for.
Reishi is an ancient?Chinese remedy
Reishi mushrooms are a rare mushroom and one of the highest regarded remedies in Chinese medicine, having been taken medicinally in extract form for at least 2,000 years. This amazing “Mushroom of Immortality”, is fast becoming known as one of the leading adaptogens – natural molecules that help to increase the body?s resistance to stresses such as trauma, anxiety and fatigue.
Reishi is best used as a preventive medicine, normalising bodily functions with no side effects, boosting the body’s defenses and contributing to overall vitality. Most importantly, Reishi gets to work incredibly quickly and it is found that the benefits can be seen and felt in as little as 10 days.
Grow old gracefully?
By helping the body in this way Reishi leaves you feeling more energetic and less prone to illnesses that can result in tiredness and fatigue.
With the extra energy and boost to general wellbeing people get from Reishi they can keep going for longer, so that means you will be able to keep up with the little ones. Combined with its ability to help the body cleanse itself of toxins and excess lipids, Reishi can really benefit those who are looking to lose some of those baby pounds. And it also improves sleep and skin condition.
For some mushroom power, try Mikei Red Reishi Essence, available in the UK from Haeon Limited. Buy online at or from leading health stores.?