A new manager at work doesn’t have to spell doom – learn how to break them in

A new manager at work doesn’t have to spell doom – learn how to break them in

Having a new boss at work can bring a mix of emotions. If you had a good working relationship with their predecessor, you may be a bit anxious about establishing a similar rapport with someone new who does know and understand you. Maybe you had your old boss wrapped around your little finger, and that made coming into a job you didn’t like all that much ever easier and now things are bound the change…

If you couldn’t wait to see the back of an irritating or incompetent line manager, anyone else will do, and you could come across as a bit too eager with a new boss who doesn’t know the history!

Whichever side you sit on, most people feel a little nervous, but if you play your cards right, a new boss can be a very positive thing. Here’s how: