Setting Boundaries: How to Enjoy Family Time and Switch Off From Work During Christmas

Setting Boundaries: How to Enjoy Family Time and Switch Off From Work During Christmas

The school Christmas holidays are perfect for creating cherished memories with your family and it’s always a real blessing to be fortunate enough to give that to our children. However, for working mums, it can be challenging to switch off from work and fully engage with the kids during family time when there are deadlines, work pressures and money to make. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to have the best of both worlds. Here are some unconventional tips to help you set boundaries and make the most of the festive period with your loved ones.

Juggling Remote Work and Summer Holidays with the Kids

Summer Survival Guide: Juggling Remote Work and Summer Holidays with the Kids

As the school summer holidays fast approach, many of us working mums who are working from home will have the yearly challenge of ensuring our children have a fantastic break while we balance the pressures of remote working.

If you are looking for some inspiration, here are some tips to help get the balance right so this summer is one to remember (for all the right reasons):

1. Create a “Yes Day

Designate one day a week as a “Yes Day,” inspired by the popular book and movie, where within reason, you say yes to most of your children’s requests. It adds an element of surprise and excitement to their week and gives them something to look forward to. Plan your work around this day to ensure it doesn’t affect your productivity.

The 15-minute rule and how it can make a working mum’s life easier

The 15-minute rule and how it can make a working mum’s life easier

We all know what it’s like when you come home with the children having picked them up from nursery or school and you know that you’ve got a mountain of work that you need to get through.

It’s not unusual to shove a quick snack in front of them and get straight back into the work asking for “10 minutes” to just fire off a quick email.