Pregnancy fashion tips

Pregnancy fashion tips

One day maternity wear will be so widely available that mums-to-be need never complain again, but in the meantime, we have to work with what is available in the marketplace.

As depressing as that may sound to you, if you’re expecting a baby and are fit to burst in your current clothes, here are some tips to help you look fab for the rest of your pregnancy.

Video tutorial: how to turn ordinary clothes into maternity wear

Video tutorial: how to turn ordinary clothes into maternity wear

Maternity wear hasn’t always been on trend. Sometimes, it seems that maternity fashion hasn’t moved that far along from the dungarees and tent dresses. It’s bad enough if you’re a stay at home mum, but if your a working mum to be, you can go from being the office fashionista into the office frump before you know it!

If you are bursting at the seams and growing more and more frustrated with the dismal findings on the high street and can’t find maternity clothes that are worth the investment, this video will show you how to turn ordinary clothes into maternity wear.