Mums are throwing in the towel and going freelance…find out how you could, too

Mums are throwing in the towel and going freelance…find out how you could, too

The number of mothers ditching the corporate ladder going freelance or self employed has rises by 24% in the past two years. And the reasons cited for this change is for more flexibility (69%).

Flexibility and work-life balance are words that have been batting around for years. But for many mums, office politics and a long-hours culture in the workplace can make this unachievable.

If you’re thinking about dipping your toe into the world of freelance, here are some things to consider:

Video tutorial: how to set yourself up as a freelance or consultant

Work when you want, choose who you work with and for and name your price…these are some of the benefits of being your own boss as a freelance or consultant.

Watch this video tutorial to see how you can set yourself up doing just that, and find out how to get paying clients beating your door down for your services.