Whether you’re homeschooling your child permanently or just during the school holidays, it can sometimes be difficult to come up with ways to keep them enthusiastic about their learning. In this blog post we will provide some ideas as to how to keep homeschooling fun for both you as a parent and your child.
1. Create a “Museum”
This can be done with items around the house or even backyard finds! Gather up some of your child’s favourite things and put them on display in a central location. Encourage them to share what they know about each item with family and friends. Not only will this help them learn more about their belongings, but it will also give them practice in public speaking.
2. Plant a Garden
This is a great opportunity to teach your child about biology and the process of photosynthesis. They can help you plant the seeds, water the plants, and watch them grow! Once the produce is ready, you can use it to cook up some delicious meals together.
3. Build a Lemonade Stand
A childhood classic! This activity covers maths (calculating profits), marketing (creating signs and advertisements), and social skills (interacting with customers). Plus, it’s just plain old fun!
4. Hold a Family Talent Show
Get the whole family involved in this one! Not only will it be a blast, but it’s also a great way to encourage your child to express themselves creatively. If you don’t have any talents, that’s okay – make up skits or do charades instead!
5. Go on Virtual Field Trips
With technology these days, the possibilities are endless. Want to visit ancient Egypt? There’s a website for that. How about outer space? There’s an app for that too. No matter what your child is interested in, there’s sure to be a virtual field trip that explores it in depth.
6. Learn a New Language Together
Learning a new language is a great way to keep those brain cells firing during the summer months! And what better way to do it than by making it into a game? There are plenty of online resources and apps available to help make learning another language fun for both you and your child.

7. Have a Picnic in the Living Room
This one is simple but effective! Set up a picnic blanket in the living room, prepare some of your child’s favourite snacks, and enjoy quality time together while getting some much-needed Vitamin D from the sun streaming in through the windows.
8. Make Homemade Pizzas
Pizza night just got an educational twist! Let your little ones help you measure out ingredients, mix them together, and spread them onto the pizza crusts. This activity covers maths skills like measurement and fractions, as well as cooking techniques like following recipes.
9. Write Letters to Pen Pals
Remember pen pals? They’re making something of a comeback these days – and for good reason! Writing letters is not only fun, but it helps improve writing skills too. You can search online for pen pal programs or set up your own exchange with friends or family members who live far away.
10. Visit Your Local Library
Libraries offer so much more than just books these days! Many of them host story times, puppet shows, concerts, and other fun events for kids throughout the summer months. Plus, most libraries offer free passes to museums and other attractions. By taking advantage of all your local library has to offer, you can keep your child’s mind active while having lots of fun too.

These are just a few ways you can make learning fun while homeschooling. With all of these activities, there are many opportunities to link back to the curriculum that will help your child remember all of the new things they have learned. We hope these ideas have helped you!