3 Reasons Why You Should Brand Your Side Hustle

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If you’re like most people, you have a side hustle. A side hustle is a job or project that you do in addition to your regular job. It’s a way to make extra money, and it can be a lot of fun too! But if you want your side hustle to be successful, you need to brand it. Here are three reasons why branding your side hustle is important:

1. Your brand stands for what you want to be known for

Branding is more than just your brand name (you can use your own name as a brand name) and your logo (yes, it’s good to have a logo for your side hustle). Basically, it is how your clients and customers perceive you and your business. Even if you’ve got a ton of competitors around, you can still make yourself stand out by branding yourself as someone with a serious edge over everyone else. For instance, if you’re a graphic designer, you may want to be recognized as someone who only works with premium brands or established businesses. You don’t compete on price, that is, you’re not worried about your competitors offering cutthroat prices for the same service. You know you offer a valuable service that all your clients love!

2. How people perceive your brand dictates the amount of business you get

The more people perceive your brand positively, the more willing they’d be to do business with you. The opposite is also true – if people perceive your brand negatively, then you’d either need to rebrand from scratch or try to repair your reputation. If you were to choose, of course, you’d want people to recognize your brand as someone they’d want to do business with. To do this, you need to go to great lengths to take care of your reputation. In this day and age where social media reigns supreme, a tiny mistake can easily cost you your brand. A small complaint can quickly snowball, and you can lose your reputation in a heartbeat.

3. Branding creates trust and recognition

Get the word out about your business and be consistent with your message. Don’t change your brand’s message on different platforms, rather, strive for consistency. The more people see and interact with your brand, the more they get to know you. Sooner or later, they’ll start to see you as an authority in your niche or industry, and you’ll gain their trust. Don’t make people regret their decision.

Do everything aboveboard and above reproach, and you’ll be rewarded with a profitable side hustle for years to come!


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