Sign up for the Spare Time Business Course

Sign up for the Spare Time Business Course

A recent article on Mothers Who Work, How to Start a Business in Your Spare Time got so many Facebook likes and comments that I felt compelled to create a course for exactly that: The Spare Time Business.


If you’ve read the book, ‘Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action‘ by Simon Sinek, you’ll know that every good business should first answer the question, ‘Why’.

So, why the course? For a number of reasons, many mums want a spare time business. It could be because you already have a job and want to make some extra money on the side. It could be that you don’t want to work full-time in any business or employment, so just want something that will generate some money in your spare time. It could be none of the above, and you simply want to work in your spare time.

Whatever the reason, you already have your ‘Why’ and as a supportive medium, Mothers Who Work is here to help. So, we’ll be starting a course on just that on 1st February 2017 – The Spare Time Business Course.

How to join the Spare Time Business Course

To join the course, complete the form below and you’ll start to receive the nuggets of useful how-tos, tips and advice to help you get started with your business in your spare time.

Sign up for the Spare Time Business Course

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