Taking the entire family out for an evening of fun can be exciting and something all parents want to do on a regular basis, especially with older children, but the costs can be a hindrance,
So, if you want to enjoy an evening with your family consider here are five cheap nights out where you can really enjoy some family bonding while saving money at the same time:
Cheap night at the cinema
I know you are thinking the cinema is really expensive, but there are often special offers during the week to entice more cinema goers during the week. So, if you take the family to the cinema on a Tuesday or Wednesday as opposed to Saturday you can save a lot of money. Also, consider making your own popcorn and hotdogs at home and taking it with you to save even more money.
Family bowling
Bowling is a great family activity and like the cinema, there are often special offers running during the week, especially for kids. So, have a great dinner at home and head to the bowling alley.
Local sports game
Most families have a sport they all enjoy – be it football, tennis or cricket there is bound to be a local game coming up for cheap or free that the whole family can go and watch.
Invite friendly neighbours or close friends and relatives to make it even more exciting a night for the whole family.
Pizza and the arcade
Another great night out with the family can be enjoying a trip to the local pizza place and then playing games in an arcade (or at home, if there’s no arcade nearby). Not only will you have a great meal that is inexpensive, but the arcade games are generally inexpensive as well. You can give each child a couple of pounds and let them play on their game of choice.
The park and ice cream
Just about every family loves going to the park and since the park is free it is perhaps one of the best places to go! Your kids will love playing on the monkey bars and merry go rounds and you and your better half can have a good chat and some giggles, too, will enjoy some family time and fresh air.
Head to your local supermarket in the way home and buy your favourite ice-cream to enjoy on the walk back home.