5 Easy Techniques To Land Your First Side Hustle Client

Have you been wanting to start a side hustle but haven’t been able to find your first client? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Here are 5 easy techniques that will help you land your first side hustle client in no time.

1. Let your friends know

Don’t be shy. Your real friends will be happy to help you out, and if they believe in you and your skills, they’ll be happy to spread the word about you. If you’ve got well-connected friends, ask for help. They may be able to connect you with your first client!

2. Put out flyers in your local area

Yes, this technique still works. And this is especially helpful if you’re servicing a local area. For example, if you’re offering dog walking services, you can put out flyers in your area. Look for community boards. And don’t forget to put your name and number in your flyer!

3. Advertise on social media

While advertising on social media can cost you a pretty penny, it’s going to be worth it if you charge top dollar for your services. And what’s really great about social advertisements is you can drill down into your target audience. You’re not limited to targeting people in your area. In fact, you can target pretty much anyone in the world who’s got an account at that particular social platform!

4. Start a blog

Blogging is a great way to showcase your expertise. Potential clients can easily see if you’re worth the price you’re quoting. In addition to using your blog as a platform to attract clients, you can also monetize it any number of ways. For starters, you can recommend products you’re affiliated with on your blog. Any time someone buys through your affiliate link, you get a nice commission!

5. Have your own business card

When you have your own business card, you make your business look legitimate and not just some fly-by-night service. Attend conferences and seminars and network with people in your industry. Make sure you distribute your business card so people can easily get in touch with you should they need your help!

Mothers Who Work Rockstars

Mothers Who Work is a lifestyle website for working mums who want to be financially viable! I’m part of the team that brings as much useful content to busy working mums as possible. From tips, advice to resources we aim to bring everything you need to be and stay financially viable straight to you!

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