5 things for your child to do instead of watching TV

5 things for your child to do instead of watching TV

TV is used by many a parent as a cheap babysitter, but it’s a double-edged sword, because children who watch a lot of TV have trouble keeping themselves entertained, which in the long run makes your job harder!

If you’re trying to limit the amount of TV viewing in your household, you might need a little inspiration. Try these activities to keep the kids busy… at least for a little while!


  • Magnet hunt




    Young children will love discovering what they can catch with their magnet all around the house…it will get you about an hour’s peace and you’ll probably find missed earrings and other gems along the way, too.

Give your child a magnet and let them to run it all over the house and see what they find.
Any loose couch change is fair game!


  • Make a card for Grandma



A simple ‘thank you card’, or a ‘wish you were here’ postcard for involved and distant grandmothers alike always go down a treat for all concerned. Get out the rubber stamps, art supplies and construction paper and make a greeting card for grandma or another loved one.


  • Bake a cake or make some cupcakes



If your baking skills would make Nigella shrill, don’t panic, just buy a few easy mix cake or cupcake packets and let them loose in the kitchen (or under your watchful eye if they are too young to be left to their own devices for half an hour). Tell them they can enjoy the fruits of their labour as long as they clean up all mess afterwards. Children should be supervised when using ovens, but you know that already!


  • Make up a treasure hunt



Treasure doesn’t have to cost the earth – and it can be made with a mix of old and new things. If you want to buy some treats, a few cheap things from the local pound shop will do. Once you’ve got your treasure box ready (an old decorated shoe box will do!), hide it in a cupboard or wardrobe. Then, make a list of items your child must find outside (simple things like a black rock, a feather, a red leaf, a penny, etc). Don’t make the list too exhaustive, as the fun will soon turn into boredom if they don’t get to the treasure in good time.


  • Make a cave inside the house.



Put old blankets over the backs of chairs or over a table to make a tent. Grab a flashlight and instruct child to go read scary stories inside it. This is a great one for young boys who like exploring, building things and have a very active imagination.


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