Next week sees the last half term of the school year, and with it a closer step towards the school Summer holidays…which means spending more money for childcare, and coping with bored teenagers.
While we might not be able to do much about childcare costs, we can do something about the bored teenagers, and they’ll love the extra money their time spent with a summer job will do, too! So, if you child would have finished their GCSEs at the end of the school year, here are some ideas for summer jobs they’ll likely enjoy: 1. Pet sitting Does your child love animals and dream one day of becoming a vet? Even if they don’t, but enjoy spending time with animals, a pet sitting service of a few hours a day could do the trick. They could sit for friends, relatives and trustworthy neighbours, whose animals they know. Let your child only pet sit animals that are within the range of your skills – so if they are terrified of flying birds, looking after the sweetest budgie won’t work if they are required to change the cage, for example. 2. Maintenance and cleaning services There’s always something other people would be glad to have done. Your teen may hate doing chores around the house, but getting paid for it elsewhere could be the motivation they need. Your teen could get a couple of friends together to offer a complete house cleaning service or offer only to work on some areas, say garages or garden or kitchen cleaning. 3. Social media management What teen doesn’t know their Facebook from their Twitter? Not many…That’s why social media management would be a doddle, as there isn’t a steep learning curve, and teens can come up with some out-of-the-box ideas that even those with the best business acumen would never have thought of. The added benefit is that this can be done from home in their very own bedrooms on a laptop or from their mobile phone if they have the right mobile internet package. 4. Painting services From painting a garden fence, to a spare room, people have odd painting jobs they just haven’t got round to doing. If your teen has a steady hand, they could turn it into some extra cash for summer. 5. Direct selling From Avon to Kleeneze, your teen could help you out with some direct selling. Teens can help with anything from delivering and collecting brochures, to promoting it on your social media profiles for a cut in the commission their help generates, to a fixed rate that you pay them for specific work or a set number of hours worth of work a week.