There are many benefits to working from home, but it can be difficult to find the time and space to get work done with children running around. As a mother, it is essential to create a productive work environment when working from home. Here are some tips for creating a productive work environment when working from home.
1. Set boundaries with your family.
Let them know when you are working and when you are available. If possible, set up a dedicated workspace that is just for you. This will help you feel more like you are “at work” and less like you are working in your living room.
2. Set a schedule and stick to it.
Having set hours will help you stay focused and on task. Let your family know what your schedule is so they can respect your time
3. Take breaks!
It can be tempting to work straight through the day without taking any breaks, but this will actually make you less productive in the long run. Get up and move around, take some deep breaths, or step outside for some fresh air. Taking mini-breaks throughout the day will help you stay refreshed and focused on your work.
4. Use apps and tools to block distractions.
There are many great apps and tools that can help you stay focused when working from home. Some of our favourites include Freedom, Cold Turkey, and StayFocusd. These tools allow you to block certain websites or applications so you can’t be distracted by them while you’re trying to work.

5. Make sure to take care of yourself!
Working from home can be stressful, so make sure to schedule in some “me time” each day. Whether it’s reading your favourite book, going for a walk, or taking a yoga class, do something that makes YOU happy every day.
Working from home has many benefits, but it can be difficult to stay productive with children around. By following these tips, you can create a productive work environment that works for you and your family!