5 Ways to Make Your Commute Work for You

5 Ways to Make Your Commute Work for You

As a mother, your days are filled with taking care of your family and all the tasks that come with it. But when you’re trying to juggle the demands of both your professional and personal life, how can you make sure that your commute works for you? Here are five tips to help you make the most out of your time in transit so that you have more energy and focus for everything else.

1. Carpool

One great way to turn your daily commute into a productive activity is to carpool with other mothers in your area who might be heading into work at the same time as you. Not only will this save on fuel money, but it also gives you a chance to catch up on what’s going on in each other’s lives while getting some much-needed girl talk in during the ride.

2. Listen to Podcasts

Podcasts are a great way to learn something new or stay informed about current events while commuting from one place to another. Whether it’s an inspirational podcast featuring interviews with successful female entrepreneurs or simply a podcast about parenting tips, taking advantage of this free resource can be an enjoyable way to make use of those extra minutes in transit.

3. Take Phone Calls

If you have any important phone calls that need tending to, now is the perfect time! By setting aside some of your commute time for these calls, you can check off items from your ever-growing list without feeling rushed or distracted by other tasks at hand.

4. Read Up

Do you find yourself wanting more time dedicated to reading? Make use of every minute available by bringing along a book or magazine with topics related specifically to motherhood or professional pursuits so that you can get through them faster than if you had tried reading them at home after putting the kids down for bed. The beauty of this tip is that it doesn’t matter if it takes two weeks or two months—you already set aside special time for reading each day!

5. Meditate

Whether it’s 10 minutes or 30 minutes, dedicating part of your commute specifically towards meditating can do wonders for both mind and body alike. This includes focusing on deep breathing exercises which not only helps reduce stress levels but also helps improve concentration throughout the remainder of the day–a must-have skill when managing multiple projects simultaneously! 

Commuting doesn’t have to be wasted time; instead, take advantage of these five tips and make sure that your daily drive works for rather than against you! With carpooling, listening to podcasts, making phone calls, reading up on topics related specifically to motherhood/professional pursuits and meditating during transit times can all help make use of those extra minutes in meaningful ways so that when arrive at work (or back home) feeling refreshed and energised rather than drained from long hours sitting in traffic!


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