Home secretary takes on under-age drinkers

The Home Secretary will underline the Government’s determination to banish the sight of under-18s drinking alcohol in public.

Jacqui Smith will reveal new measures to tackle one of the single biggest causes of street violence and anti-social behaviour.

In her first major speech on the subject, Mrs Smith will say it is unacceptable for youths to drink in public.

She is also expected to indicate the Home Office is?considering extending police powers to confiscate alcohol from under-18s.

Officers are already allowed to seize bottles and cans from?young people?found drinking in town centres and residential areas.

But some police chiefs want the Home Office to tighten the law and remove the need for officers to have a “reasonable suspicion” drinkers will commit a crime.

A??750,000 crackdown by police and community support officers during the half term holiday later this month, will be announced.

Officers will target underage drinking haunts in more than 100 areas where young people often gather.

The Government also plans to extend the use of parenting contracts to help more mums and dads to keep control of their children.

The orders, which can last for up to a year, are designed to help parents improve their skills so that they can prevent problems in their child’s behaviour.

?Source: AN


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