Advice for single parent’s from the experts

We all know about Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, but what about Single Parent’s Day? Single Parent’s Day takes place each year on March 21, but like many others you may not have even know that they day existed.

Although Mother’s and Father’s Day celebrates the individual parent, but it doesn’t take into account the fact that you may be the only parent and the work that entails.

If you are a single parent, or are about to become a single parent, we have spoken to some of the most popular UK single parent bloggers in order to  in order to get their perspectives on being a single parent, as well as to get their advice.

First up we have insights from Becky Willoughby, author of Lakes Single Mum:

“I never set out to be a single mum but aged 38 I found myself alone with two children aged six and three. As their father moved overseas I was a lone parent 365 days a year.

“It was hard at first and I gave up work to manage. Then we moved 350 miles to be closer to my parents. Having close family near me has made life a lot easier. Being the only parent actively in their lives means that I share all their highs and lows. I get all the hugs but also all the strops! We are a close knit trio and muddle along together. I do need to be more organised as I can’t clone myself but they both have active lives both with and without me. It’s not a bed of roses but incredibly rewarding – just hard to get my own free time whilst they are still at primary school.”

Next we have father and author of Single Parent Dad Ian Newbol on being a single dad:

“I’d advise all single parents to take advantage of their situations, to create and provide a consistent loving parenting philosophy for their kids. 

“Don’t be afraid to ask for help along the way, or be surprised that by offering help to others you’ll get some back in return.  Being single doesn’t have to be a disadvantage.”

And finally we have advice from Claire Jacobs, freelance journalist, social worker and author of Single Parent Pessimist:

“For me single parenting is all I know, because my ex left when my son was six weeks old and he has no contact so I am a complete single parent all of the time.  It’s hard as I don’t get a break, but it’s worth it.

“My advice would be to ensure you try to find time for you each day, even if it’s just half an hour to watch a soap with a cuppa.  Sign up to single parent groups on Facebook because the support you get on them is amazing not to mention the friends you end up meeting in your local area from it! 

“And finally, on those tough days which seem never ending and you’re exhausted, make sure you remind yourself one day your child will no longer live with you, there will be no more nappies, hand holding and night time cuddles, so try to see it as precious instead of annoying.”

We hope that these personal insights from some of the best single parent bloggers the UK has to offer has given you actionable advice you can use moving forward.

Author Bio: This post was written by Kat Kynes, copywriter for


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