Are you making money online, but not letting the taxman know? You have until 14th June to let them know before they find YOU!

Making money online is a perfect way for many mums to get around issues with childcare and earning a crust. And it’s a great way to earn extra money if you already work for someone else. But, it doesn’t mean you can get out of paying tax.

online traders pay taxIf you sell things online – eBay, Amazon, Etsy among others – or run your own online store where you’re not just getting rid of old possessions, you need to get in touch with the tax office (or HMRC).

On the hunt for people who are making money online and evading paying tax, HMRC has set up the e-Markets Disclosure Facility, and if you let them know that you sell online by14th June 2012 they’ll give you preferential terms to pay any tax you may owe.

If you don’t know where our tax office is, go to HMRC’s website, and call their helpline. Act now!

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