How to build a business in your spare time

How to build a business in your spare time


Juggling motherhood, employment and all of life’s other challenges can start you thinking about the practicality of starting your own business. Being able to work to your own timetable and not having to answer to a manager could definitely alleviate some of the pressures of being a working mother.

So, if starting your own business is a pursuit you’re giving serious thought to, here are a few tips to get your plans off to a strong start and guide you in the direction of success.

Be disciplined

Discipline is essential to making a success of business in your spare time. Kicking back can be very tempting when you’re a working parent, but you must commit yourself to your cause if you want to make it work.

Set a space for working

A quiet designated workplace helps you separate home, work and business, both spatially and mentally. Be strict with your workspace and don’t allow distractions to seep in, and keep it solely for your business endeavours. Don’t allow the compartments of your life to merge.

Set a schedule

Timetabling is also very important when committing yourself to business. Again, finding regular bouts of spare time as a working parent can be very difficult, but if you dedicate your time to your work, it can be put to very good use. Allocate periods of spare time to business and do not get slack with it.

Clarity is important

A clear business plan is absolutely crucial to making your business venture a success regardless of circumstances, but even more so for working parents. To make the most of your time and resources, a well-researched business plan with input from business professionals will see you on your way to success.

As a working parent, taking on another challenge, especially one as significant as starting your own business, can be daunting, and many feel it is simply too much. Do not feel discouraged! With the right knowledge and the right approach, and a healthy dose of self-discipline, your business can be successful and rewarding, without detracting from your family life.

By Charlotte Baldwin, Operations Manager at IQ Cards.

IQ Cards are a fundraising company that provide schools and establishments with the necessary tools to fundraise via selling high-quality and unique gifts designed by pupils.

As part of the established on-demand print and digital solutions provider The IQ Digital House, ensures that all requirements and products are produced to the highest standards, delivered on time and at great value prices. Several of the IQ cards team are mothers and PTA members themselves appreciating and understanding school protocols extremely well. They are the preferred supplier for PTA UK. For more information please visit:


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