Video tutorial: How to quit your job

Video tutorial: How to quit your job

What’s worse than having a job that you hate, makes you miserable, barely pays the bills and with colleagues that you can’t stand? Not much really, but knowing all these things and still doing nothing about it comes a very close second.

Audio course: How to Sell Without Selling – Part 1

Audio course: How to Sell Without Selling – Part 1

Starting a business of any kind can be a big learning curve – from the accounting, to the admin, to employing people to help you out. But one area that many people struggle with is selling. You may not be able to sell an igloo to Eskimos, but you certainly do need to have the ability to ‘sell’ your products and/or services to people.
This three-day audio course will help you learn the basic principles you need to start making some money.

Video tutorial: how to understand Windows 8

Video tutorial: how to understand Windows 8

Microsoft Windows has been a tool that everyone who has ever touched a computer, laptop (and mobile phone, these days) has used at some point. Whether it’s writing your CV in Microsoft Word, creating a presentation in PowerPoint or looking at some financial information or charts in Excel, we’ve been there and done that.

If you’ve been out of the loop for a while, or have just upgraded you laptop or computer, you may be a bit more than surprised to see that Windows has completely changed it’s layout.

How to choose a web host

Starting an online business is exciting – you’re finally ready to show the world what you have to offer!

But the jargon around web development can be baffling. One of the areas that can be a little confusing is web hosting. Many web designers/developers will try to sell you their ‘hosting’ claiming it to be cheaper and so that they can keep a ball and chain around your ankles – especially if they realise you know nothing about web development.

Video tutorial: how to use Woocommerce

Video tutorial: how to use Woocommerce

Thinking of starting an online shop but don’t know where to start?

Do you love WordPress and want to find a way to add an online store to your blog without changing the overall design?

Have you heard about Woocommerce but don’t know how you’ll use it?

This video tutorial is just what you’re looking for.

I quit! How to write a resignation letter

I quit! How to write a resignation letter

Making a decision to leave your job can be the result of many factors. A career change, needing more money or because you couldn’t stand to work under a draconian boss or colleagues from…

Whatever your reason, it pays to resign with dignity and professionalism. After all, you’re having the last laugh now aren’t you? Not to mention the small thing called a reference that you’ll need from your old employer.

Here are some tips to help you resign professionally.

The out of office assistant: a must for keeping customers in the loop

The out of office assistant: a must for keeping customers in the loop

Letting your customers and key contacts know that you’ll be unavailable is crucial in business. A good out of office message will let them know at first contact that you’re unavailable, for how long, and any alternative contact details they can use.

This video will show you youw to set one up in Microsoft Outlook in next to no time – of course, you should let your contacts know ahead of time that you’ll be away if you’re taking a break:

How to assess the competition in your business area

How to assess the competition in your business area

Checking out the competition is a must when embarking on a new business venture. You can look at their pricing, the quality of their products and services, and their strengths and weaknesses and use all that information as part if your plan of attack.

It all sounds simple enough, but if you don’t know how to cut to the bone you’ll just be gathering information that will sit in a file somewhere collecting dust. This video will show you how to make sure you don’t miss anything out.

Video tutorial: how to sell

Video tutorial: how to sell

Whether you provide services like beauty treatments, work as a counsellor or run an online store, you will be selling something to your client base. Most business mums wouldn’t necessarily have a sales background when they go into business, and it can feel a little overwhelming to suddenly be in a position where you have to encourage people to spend their money with you.

If you’re in this situation and need some advice on how to get the process right, then today’s video will help you with that and more. In just six minutes, you’ll learn how to be a sales supremo.

How to remember people’s names

How to remember people’s names

Is it Jane? Is it Vanessa? Maybe Jack? Aargh! Remembering names in a work or business environment can be quite a head scratcher. It’s too embarrassing to make a mistake, and you don’t want to offend by getting it wrong.

Watch this video tutorial to help you find ways to remember names and take the stress out of meeting new people.

Tough interview question No. 5: Why did you leave your last job? (video)

Tough interview question No. 5: Why did you leave your last job? (video)

Getting sacked, hating your boss, being pushed out…these are not exactly reasons that will put you in a positive light at a job interview.

Every recruiter will know that you are either unhappy with your present or old job, or you want to climb the career ladder, or even change careers. However, they may ask this question to try to gauge your reasons for doing so, to see if there are any alarm bells.

Today’s video will help you formulate a constructive response to this tough interview question and help you.

Tough interview question No. 4: What are your strengths and weaknesses? (video)

Tough interview question No. 4: What are your strengths and weaknesses? (video)

Today’s video looks at another seemingly simple question that can get many people into a tight spot at job interviews.

If you’re disorganised, you probably don’t want to say that for an office manager or events coordinator role, for example. If you have a bad temper, you won’t get a positive outcome at any job interview if you state that as your weakness.

So just what can you say? Do you make up strengths and weaknesses just to get through the interview?

Watch today’s video for some tips and advice on answering this tough job interview question.

Tough interview question No. 3: Why do you want to work for this company? (video)

Tough interview question No. 3: Why do you want to work for this company? (video)

Because I’m desperate? Because you advertised a job in my local paper? Because I need the money. Are those your immediate responses to a question like this?

Some interview questions can seem ridiculous, and seem like they are there to trip you up. The fact is, every recruiter wants to hear that there job isn’t one of a hundred that you have mindlessly applied for.

So, even if your real reason for applying any of the above responses, you can’t say that to an interviewer if you’re really serious about getting the job. You need to think of something that’s better thought out. Is the company an industry leader, for example?

Watch today’s video for more tips on answering this tough interview question.

Tough interview question No. 2: Tell me about yourself (video)

Tough interview question No. 2: Tell me about yourself (video)

Even the most confident and self-assured person can stumble when asked this question at a job interview. You don’t want to sound fake or full of yourself on the one hand, and on the other you don’t want to be so coy that you come across as boring and uninteresting.

This is one interview question that you should practice at home before a job interview. Find a friend or relative who will give you honest and constructive feedback on your response. That’s on tip – watch today’s video to find out how else you can tackle this interview question.

Tough interview question No. 1: why should we give you the job? (video)

Tough interview question No. 1: why should we give you the job? (video)

There are some interview questions that you just can’t run away from. No matter how senior or junior the role, which industry you’re moving into and whether a recruitment agency is doing the initial interview instead of your employer, the questions will still remain.

Every day this week, we will be tackling one of the following five interview questions with a video tutorial:

  1. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  2. Tell me about yourself
  3. Why do you want to work for this company?
  4. What are your strengths?
  5. Why did you leave your last job?

Today, we look at the first questions: “Where do you see yourself in five years time?”. Watch the video below:

How to give a five-minute presentation…and PowerPoint essentials

How to give a five-minute presentation…and PowerPoint essentials

Whether it’s pitching for investment, presenting to clients, or being a speaker at a workshop, at some point in your journey there is a good chance that you may have to give a presentation.

If you’ve never given one before, there is help at hand. Grab a notepad, a cuppa and get ready to learn the essentials in less than 20 minutes.

Video guide: how single parents can find time to study

Video guide: how single parents can find time to study

Juggling children and work can be all-consuming at the best if times, but it doesn’t have to mean you have no time to advance your skills on a course.

In any career, keeping your skills fresh is crucial – especially if you want to marketable or if you have your eye on a promotion.

This video course will give you some tips and guidance on studying while raising your children on your own.

Video tutorial: how to use FTP and Filezilla

Video tutorial: how to use FTP and Filezilla

Every website owner should have access to their server. Even if you have a dedicated developer who works for you full time or ad hoc, knowing how to access your website files can be a real life saver should something go wrong.

The following video tutorial will run you through what FTP is, and how you can access your website’s files using software like Filezilla.