Childcare costs are so high it takes working mums four months to break even!

Childcare costs are so high it takes working mums four months to break even!

According to a new report by Family Investments it takes working mums four months to break even from the cost if childcare.

It’s quite a humbling thought, really, because every month or week most if us just see the direct debit come out, or get a sinking feeling when we draw out the cash to pay the nursery or childminder!

The four months varies a little, depending on what part of the country you live in, with expensive areas like London taking 19 weeks.

This is just another reminder that its important to have a plan – working for the some purpose of paying bills is not very motivating, no matter how much you love your career. But if you can find a way to make some extra income to buffer the blow somehow, you will start to reduce the penny counting and bring the balance back (or as near) to the middle as possible.


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