Thanks for your interest in contributing to Our submission guidelines are simple and we’ve outlined them below. If you have a specific question, please get in touch with us at

Submitting an article to
To submit an article or blog post to us, please use our simple submission form.

Please do not email your articles to us as we will not be able to review them that way.

If you are interested in a sponsored post, please email

Articles we are interested in is about real working mums and their real voices. We want to hear your tips and advice and life stories in a non-promotional way.

Writing an article for is a great way to share your expertise, advice, personal experiences or opinions. Do you have some advice about finding a flexible job, making a living as a freelancer, or changing careers? Share it – you can help a lot of mums out there by doing so!

Rights, copyright, and unique content

  • Your work is your work and you retain the copyright to all articles you submit for publication on All we ask is that the content you send us is and remains unique for You’re free to publish the same topic on your personal blog, website or other third-party sites if you’d like, but we don’t use articles that are the same word-for-word on another website – search engines consider it as spam.
  • By submitting an article to you accept that you are rightful copyright owner of your article.
  • By submitting your article for publication, you grant to us the perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to publish, display, excerpt (including for advertising or promotional purposes), and feature your articles on and any of our partner sites.
  • By submitting your article for publication on you warrant that your article does not contain abusive, vulgar, libelous, or defamatory material or violate any intellectual property or other laws.
  • By submitting your article to you agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless from any loss, damage or expense that we may suffer due to a breach by you of any of the above warranties.

Our editorial policy
For the most part, we will make only minor edits to your writing, including correcting some grammar or spelling mistakes, or using out house style for consistency. However, occasionally, we will rework certain parts of your article to ensure that it is easy to read and relevant for our audience. If large portions of your article need to be edited you will be notified by email by us before the article goes live.

On very rare occasions, we will find an article or essay that, while having merits in its own right, will not meet the mission or focus of and will, therefore, not publish the submission. If this happens, we will notify you by email. We reserve the right to reject any article submitted for publication to

If someone knowingly or unknowingly submits copywrited material we will remove it from the site as soon as we become aware of it.

Timing of publication
We will aim to publish your article on within two working days of submission.

No self-promotion, please!
If you’re an expert in a certain area, have a related business, website, blog, or book, please include it in your byline that will appear with each article you submit. Please don’t use articles as a way to promote your business or your work – pure self-promotion does not make for good content and we will not publish articles that don’t offer much beyond that.

We currently do not pay members for submitting articles. We hope that sharing your knowledge and experiences with other mums will be worth your time. If you have a website, a blog, have published a book or run a business, you’re welcome to include it in your byline and raise awareness for it by authoring articles to our 105,000-plus mums. By submitting your article to you warrant that we have no obligation to compensate you for your submission.

I you are interested in becoming a regular columnist for, please get in touch with us by emailing


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