Credit crunch now impacts on the Tooth Fairy

A new survey has revealed that some households have been making cuts in the amount the Tooth Fairy leaves thir children. Yes, you read right – we are talking about the ‘magical’ fairy that leaves cash for a child’s lost tooth.

According to the survey by Denplan, a dental payment plan provider,reveals a third of UK parents aid that the credit crunch would impact payments left by the Tooth Fairy by up to 10 per cent. That’s an estimated ?1 million yearly reduction in pocket money usually left out as a reward for milk teeth.

Children of single parents are the most likely to experience a cut in the amount they receive when times are hard (53 per cent). And although widowed or divorced parents are least likely to cut the amount they leave (16 per cent), those of them that will, will at least make a cut of a whopping 50 per cent.

Some parens (13 per cent), however, already say the Tooth Fairy doesn?t leave money at their house, and that figure could be set to rise considerably next year as more people feel the pinch. In the Midlands (41 per cent) and in Wales and West (38 per cent) well over a third of parents said their children would definitely be experiencing a reduction in the amount the Fairy leaves.


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