We all need it, we all want a way to do it that fits in with our lifestyles…yes, you guessed it – money!
There are some things in life you can’t do much about – the fact that the cost of living is getting higher, and that the cost of fuel is ever increasing, and that you may be on a pay freeze at work (especially if you can’t leave because the other benefits are too good to leave!).
But you can decide to do something to help improve your financial situation - find other means to make extra money, and that's exactly what you'll get from our FREE What Now? course!
And if you are looking, there are thousands more parents looking at just the same thing, so it really isn’t anything to get stressed, depressed or embarrassed about.
That’s why we’ve created the What Next? webinar to help you find ways you can make extra money without compromising your current job or making life even more stressful and hectic than it already is.
The webinar runs for an hour at 8.15pm on Saturdays, and is hosted by the founder and editor of Motherswhowork.co.uk – Joycellyn Akuffo.
Can you afford not to attend?
Book now!