Has the Olympics given your children sporting fever? Well, it could cost you £27,000 to fund their pre-Olympic career!

The recent medal wins of Team GB in the London 2012 Olympics has got the nation abuzz with excitement and pride.

For some children, watching the Olympics can be a great way to find a sport that they are interested in. But what if your child wants to take it a little further than Saturday footie, or having fun with P.E. at school?

Bringing up the next Jessica Ennis or Andy Murray could cost parents an average of £27,000, a survey has found.

With the cost of club subscriptions, new kit, chauffeuring them to and from competitions and the cost of equipment means parents of sporty children who are members of organised clubs will have to cough up £26,932.96 during their teenage years alone.

But the cost can rocket – it all depends on what sport the child excels at – golf for example will set parents back a staggering £55,420 because of hefty petrol costs driving long distances to tournaments.

And go-karting enthusiasts eager to follow in the footsteps of Lewis Hamilton will cost parents £5,072 a year which totals more than £40,000 between the ages of 11-18.

Olympic gymnast and silver medal winner Louis Smith’s mum talks about just that, and what being the mum of a talented child has meant for her and the family.

Joycellyn Akuffo

Founder and editor of www.motherswhowork.co.uk, a mother of two wonderful children, wife, entrepreneur (check out www.geekschool.co.uk) and journalist.

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