What do you like to do? Is knitting your passion? Do you love car boot sales and can’t imagine a Saturday morning without them? Maybe you have a real talent for cooking. Perhaps you love all things techie and can’t live without your laptop or PC. If you have something that you are good at, why not turn your hobby into a career?
If you think it’s possible that you want to turn your hobby into a career, you should start with a realistic business plan. Map out how you will start your business and where you want to end up so you can formulate a clear plan of action.
The thing about getting started with making a hobby into a career is to find a market and then capitalise on it. Have enough inventory on hand and then start selling what you create. eBay and Etsy great sites for people to start selling handmade wares, for example, and has provided a nice living for people who take the time to place their items up for sale.
You must have something that makes you stand out from your competition. That applies all types of business. Look for a unique selling point for your business – is it your customer service that will be better than your competitors? Or the cheaper prices? Maybe your product or service range will offer customers the variety they want…
Networking can be very important when you are trying to grow your hobby as a business. Start by advertising in your local area. Approach local businesses and give them commission for all sales in their store. Not only does this give you a market share in your area, but it helps spread the word about what you are making and selling.
Remember that if you are self-employed, you should be putting some of your profits away to pay tax. The last thing you want is for the government to come after you for the taxes that you should have been paying.
The best part about making your beloved hobby into a business venture is that you will be your own boss! You can work when you want, rest when you want and get more flexibility for your family. Sometimes it might be overwhelming, , but your hard work will pay off one day so don’t let that put you off.
Do your research – read up on what other successful entrepreneurs have done to make their businesses successful. On www.motherswhowork.co.uk there are regular success stories from business women at all levels of success.
Model your own home business on those who have found out the secret to making money without sacrificing their sanity!
You will also want to look into government grants that are available for small businesses may be thin on the ground but there is still money around. Visits grants websites like www.j4bgrants.co.uk and www.grantsonline.com and see if there is anything available for your business. Check online for places that will entertain your request for funds to start your own home business. The government is very happy to offer up funds that will help everyday people start their own business and you deserve those funds just as much as anyone else!
Contact Business Link (www.businesslink.gov.uk) to be put in touch with your local business enterprise centre – they can support you with your startup, and even when you are ready to grow and expand your business. Some enterprises offer free courses in everything from basic business accounting to marketing and promotion.