How to use LinkedIn to make business contacts

Social media has really made it easy to make contacts with the people you need in your business sector.

If you're not using LinkedIn for business, you're missing out

Remember the days when you had to try to get past rottweiler-like receptionists and PAs, who made life as difficult as possible to get through to your contact? It was almost like you were a predator they were trying to field off, and by the time they had taken your name and contact details reluctantly, it felt like you’d just done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson…knowing full well that they were not going to pass your details on anyway!

Then in walked LinkedIn…all you need to do is search for the company or the job title of the person you’re looking for and then drop them an email, or ask one of your contacts who are linked to them to connect you!

Still confused? Want to find out how else LinkedIn can help your business, then read our LinkedIn for Business guide.Download the guide: How to use LinkedIn for making business contacts


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