Is life insurance the newest way to say ‘I love you’ to your other half?

Long gone are the days when men would say it with a box of chocolates – ‘I love you’, that is, according to a recent survey. They – and women included! – are doing it with life insurance cover.

20120516-093021.jpgBucking traditional gender stereotypes it’s the men who most want to be protected with a gift of breakdown cover should the worst happen. But how much do modern couples really know about each other?

According to the survey by, couples tend to be independent when it comes to their finances with 47% of men and 39% of women admitting that they don’t know where their partner keeps their financial documents and only half of people in relationships say that their partner knows where they keep details of their own finances.

Couples who were asked how they would feel if their partner took out a life insurance policy to protect them, or bought breakdown cover on their behalf gave the following responses:

  1. More than half (53%) of people in a relationship said it would be ‘thoughtful’ if their partner took out life insurance to protect them: 56% of women versus 50% of men call life insurance a ‘thoughtful’ gift
  2. 8% of people go as far as to call it ‘romantic’ if their partner takes out life insurance in their favour
  3. 9% of men who drive, compared to 6% of women, think that being bought breakdown cover for their car is a ‘romantic’ gift
  4. 75% of women and 60% of men think breakdown cover is a ‘thoughtful’ gift


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