Pregnancy is meant to be one of those precious phases in a woman?s life ? and it usually is?but what you wear during your most vulnerable nine months can definitely affect how you feel about yourself. And that?s what spawned Fiona Lappin?s business idea.

Name: Fiona Lappin
Age: 39
A four-year-old daughter and three-year-old son
Job title: Managing director
Company: Creation Clothing,
What was the motivating factor for staring your own business?

I started Creation Maternity in Hong Kong, after the birth of my first child, to fill a gap in the market there for stylish and affordable maternity fashion. I wanted to create a line of clothing that captured the spirit, energy and beauty of pregnancy, which would allow women to really embrace their new shape. Creation Maternity has just launched in the UK, and is going from strength to strength.

What are the best bits about working again?
Definitely the intellectual stimulation that running a business demands ? it?s been a great bonus!

Running a business can be a mixed bag sometimes. What have been you highs and lows so far?

It is sometimes hard not having a business partner to share the challenges with. And dividing my time between working at home and running the children around can run me ragged some days. I have to say I?m not a fan of doing the accounts either!

Of course, the best thing about the business is the positive feedback I get from customers, some of whom have really struggled to find maternity wear that they feel great in ? and can afford! Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman?s life and a great excuse to experiment with colours and prints that reflect that.

Fiona Lappin and kidsHow have you managed to stay on top of your career with the demands of motherhood?
Having an incredibly supportive husband, and help at home with the house so I can at least spend some hours in the day at my desk!

What has been the high point along the way?

Finding a manufacturer in Hong Kong who has been brilliant in every way ? honest, reliable, creative, diligent?I?m not saying this is unusual, but sometimes you just strike it lucky first time!

What is your worst experience along the way?
Dealing with the unforeseen hiccups ? shipping delays, production problems and the worst, which was the website being down for five days after I sent my autumn catalogue out. I?ll never know what impact that had on sales, but it can?t have been good for business!

Any tips for expectant mums, or mothers who feel that you can’t have a successful career and a happy family life at the same time?

  • Write lists
  • Try not to panic if the house looks a mess, or the kids put sticky fingers everywhere, in the grand scheme of things these will all get taken care of eventually and you will feel a lot more relaxed in your approach to work if you can ease up on high expectations in the home.


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