Regain your pre-pregnancy weight effortlessly

Regain your pre-pregnancy weight effortlessly

By Dr Jennie Cockroft

During pregnancy you should expect to put on between 11 and 16 kilograms, this is perfectly normal and very healthy. When you are pregnant your body naturally lays down nutrient reserves to prepare for breast feeding.

You should avoid dieting when you are pregnant as your baby requires a balanced and varied diet to ensure the healthy development of your baby.

We have provided you with a few tips to help you slip back into your pre-pregnancy jeans after you?ve had your baby but remember your body is out of shape for a reason, you have just grown another human being inside you so don?t beat yourself up about being out of shape, rather give your body the credit it deserves and loose your extra weight gradually and healthily!

  • Don?t eat for two – Myth has it that when you are pregnant you should eat for two ? this is NOT true. Your energy requirements do increase however, the increase is only during the third trimester (last 3 months) of your pregnancy and only by 200 calories per day. Don?t over eat during pregnancy as excessive weight gain can have negative effects on both you and your baby.
  • Stay active – The best way to shed those extra pounds is to maintain active throughout pregnancy. Obviously we don?t mean bulking up sessions at the gym but lower intensity exercises such as walking, cycling (in early pregnancy), swimming, low intensity aerobics and some types of yoga are all excellent choices.
  • Get active – When you?ve had your little darling you should try and get active as soon as possible. It?s easy to be active with your little one simply by incorporating activity into your care routine: walk around whilst rocking your baby instead of always sitting, walk to the supermarket with your pram and then walk home with your pram loaded up! Importantly you shouldn?t think of exercise as a punishment but find something you enjoy doing and have fun.
  • Brest feed ? breast feeding requires an output of? 500 calories per day, that?s 500 calories lost every day without even trying! Breastfeeding is not only good for your baby but it?s good for you too.
  • Don?t snack too much ? temptation will be rife when you?re at home holding the baby but you should try not to snack too much. Why not swap those tea and biscuits with a friend for a smoothie!
  • Stay hydrated ? make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday, don?t confuse hunger for thirst!
  • Eat well and get cooking- Ensure you eat a well balanced diet packed with fruits, vegetables and slow energy releasing complex carbohydrates to make you feel fuller for longer. Cooking doesn?t have to be a long and drawn out process, there are loads of quick and easy recipes you can whip up with very little effort. Stir fry?s, grilled chicken salads, homemade soups and pastas are all good examples. Why not make large batches and freeze them for days you really have no time to cook.
  • Enjoy your food – don?t try to limit your diet too strictly, the more you restrict the more you will crave! Eat lower fat alternatives of foods you like and make time to eat. Try to avoid sitting in front of the television when you?re eating or you may find you eat more than you need to, instead sit at a table. Eating at a table will also develop good social skills for your child in later life.

Dr Jennie Cockroft is a nutritional director for Purely Nutrition. For more tips and advice on diet during pregnancy and beyond, visit the website.

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