Mums get just 30 minutes a day to take a breather

Until your child can eat unaided, it can feel like your life revolves around their mealtimes. Not only do you have to stay attentive to their eating, but you have all the day’s activities to fit in around them.

It’s no wonder then, that research commissioned by Heinz Nurture Follow-On Milks has revealed that nearly half of mums (48%) have less than 30 minutes to sit down and ?take a breather? during the day.

The survey of mums across the UK also showed mums were only able to sit down with their babies during feeds, and 42% of mums associated feeding time with ?feet up time?. The results also provided positive proof that caring for a little one can be exhausting – 41% of mums admitted to falling asleep while feeding!

While feeding time topped the list of sit-down time moments, it was closely followed by adult meal times (26%) and watching TV (12%).

For the majority of mums, time to relax is a rarity. According to the research the top-three activities keeping mums on their feet are entertaining their child (65%), cooking and cleaning (61%) and walking with a pram or buggy (33%).


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