Passive income streams – day 1: what is internet marketing?

internet marketing
Internet marketing can help passive income streams generate interest and money

Last week, we started looking at passive income streams and what they are – and their importance in today’s economical climate.

This week, we’ll be looking at how to tap into passive income streams. This is a digested form of the Make Money Mums Course, which goes live on 14th February, where I’ll go into a lot more detail about how to tap into passive income streams.

So, everyday this week, Mothers Who Work Clubb members will be able to explore a new concept in passive income streams. This is what each day will address:

Day 1: What is internet marketing
Day 2: Ways to make money online
Day 3: The mindset of success
Day 4: Running an online business
Day 5: Creating passive income streams
Day 6: Leveraging the power of others

Take a look at Day 1’s video on internet marketing – pen and paper to the ready!

Video 1: What is internet marketing?

Many of you would have heard the term ‘internet marketing’ before – but I

hope it won’t put you off watching this video. One of the things that I have learnt about the  internet marketing world is that you can never assume you know of have learnt everything there is to know about it – things and new techniques come up all the time.

Please watch this video with an open mind – you may be pleasantly surprised.


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