Redundancy – Part 3: Social Media is Your New Weapon

being made redundant (laid off)

In the third and final part of our redundancy series, we look at how you can leverage social media to get you on the right track – whether you use it to look for a new job; as a tool to widen your social circle; or so the jobs comes to you.

Your Social Media Presence

At least 70% of recruiters and human resource managers admit that they shortlist candidates for jobs based on what they find out about each candidate through social media. It is, therefore, essential to have a well-written and professional LinkedIn profile. You also need to make sure that your social media presence will not embarrass you. If your full name is on it anywhere, it might be time to edit it. 

Think of your profiles as a way to showcase your professionalism. 

Check your Facebook account, for example, your Twitter feed and so forth to make sure that there is nothing that can raise any red flags with a human resources manager or a recruiter. Partying tales, embarrassing photos, and so on need to be deleted or hidden. You can adjust your privacy settings on social media platforms, so you know who is viewing your profile. 

social media and redundancy

LinkedIn as a Jobsearch Tool

The LinkedIn platform is the primary social network for professional people to connect. It is also the most trusted professional networks. This is because people can’t hide behind a cloak of anonymity on this network. The whole point of LinkedIn is to connect with others through your work history and educational history. The site’s setup means that users can be ‘verified’ in several ways.

A full, detailed LinkedIn profile can be just as good, if not better, than your CV, so sell your skills and experience. Unlike your CV, the more detail you put on your LinkedIn profile, the better.

Your CV and LinkedIn profile should to be consistent – check dates, job titles and job details. Your LinkedIn profile will also allow you to link to publications, PowerPoint presentations, and more. It will take several hours to create an outstanding LinkedIn profile. This will require regular activity and regular upkeep of the profile, which takes time, but it is a great way to position yourself as an expert in your niche or industry.

LinkedIn Groups

Your LinkedIn profile is the gateway to groups about various topics. Join groups that make the most sense for your niche, industry and interests.

Connecting with Thought Leaders

Follow thought leaders’ accounts and interact with their content. This will make you more visible in your industry and earn you more relevant followers in return. It’s also another opportunity to network within your niche – you never know what door it will open.

Your SlideShare Account, which is now owned by LinkedIn, is an online presentation sharing site. You can use it to boost your profile by uploading useful PowerPoint presentations to them. They are another opportunity to show what you know, and why you are worth paying attention to and considering for the job role.


These days, LinkedIn is used by recruiters who are on the lookout for top candidates to slot into positions they need to fill. They get paid for every vacancy they fill, so this is the motivation for recruiters. Recruiters often know about jobs that are never listed, too. 

Companies use recruiters to find the right people for job vacancies because they save employers the time associated with the screening process and only connect them with people they think will be a good fit. 

Being on LinkedIn will give you ample opportunity to be contacted by a range of recruiters. I still get approached by recruiters today for jobs in the media, even though my main focus is elsewhere these days. It just goes to show how important using the right keywords is. Keywords will help drive your visibility. 

You can also work directly with a recruiter. Look for those who specialise in a particular industry – for example, publishing, web design etc.

There’s clearly quite a lot to do once you are made redundant! This is why you must get yourself into a daily routine when you are between jobs.

The Importance of Having a Daily Routine After Redundancy

Many working mums have become so used to the 9-to-5 grind, and having a boss to tell us what to do, and how, that being unemployed can be a real shock to the system. While being out of work might be a welcome break, being too while in between jobs relaxed can cause an unnecessary delay in getting back into the job market (whether you work for someone else or yourself).

While it may be too tempting to lounge around in your favourite pyjamas all day; watch hours of TV; or to tackle the endless list of chores around the house. However, studies have shown that psychologically, it is essential to maintain a daily routine that is similar to a regular working day even when you are not working, for several reasons. One such reason is that having a routine will keep you motivated and help maintain the task of finding work.

It is incredible how fast time can fly by without much getting accomplished, especially if you are not strict with yourself. Try to maintain a schedule with a checklist of things to do in your job hunt to help keep you on track.

It is also necessary because the longer the gap is between jobs in your CV, the more questions your CV will raise in the eyes of hiring managers.

A Checklist of Action Steps

Here are a few of the essentials you need to do every day.

Set a waking time.

Most working mums don’t have the luxury of lying around in their PJs all day – that ship sailed once the word ‘mother’ became a descriptor. But, ditch the loungewear and dress in clothes that are decent enough for anyone to see you in as you network around the neighbourhood, including the coffee shop and supermarket. Carry business cards with you at all times in your wallet or purse. I used to think business cards were outdated, but I have personally seen a bit of a revival. Who has time to look new contacts up on social media, when a traditional paper invention like a business card can sort everything out?

Your Email Address

Create a professional-looking email address for your job hunt, and check it first each day. A separate email address will help ensure you don’t miss any critical messages amid a sea of junk in your regular email box.

Add your CV to top sites such as, Indeed and Industry Specific Websites. This can take time.

Be Prepared for Multiple Phonecalls

Some phonecalls are just a fact-finding mission. Others will be a preliminary interview to help the recruiter determine whether they want to invite you in to speak with you further. 

Your Interview Wardrobe

Organise your interview wardrobe. Be sure to clean and press your dresses, suits, shirts and so on. Clean your shoes and get your bag prepped and organised, so you don’t have to panic if you are invited to an interview at short notice. If you have not had your hair and nails done recently, now is the time to do it. 

That’s the end of the guide! Just about every essential element of redundancy has been covered in this post. If you have any tips and advice that can help other working mums in this situation, please do share.

I genuinely wish you all the best for your future career move!


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