Shannon doesn’t want to go home

Shannon Matthews, the nine-year old victim of an abduction earlier this year,?says she does not want to go back home to her mother.

During a meeting with her mother, Karen, the youngster said she would prefer to stay with her foster parents.

Shannon’s grandmother, June Matthews, told a Sunday newspaper: ‘Karen broke down when it was time for Shannon to leave, and begged for her daughter to come home with her. Shannon said, ?No. I don’t want to come home.?’

This adds another twist to?what should have been a??story with a simple, happy ending.

Shannon, who has been in care since her 24-day ordeal, was found hidden in the base of a bed, at a flat belonging to an uncle of her mother’s boyfriend, Craig Meehan, on March 15.

Meehan, 22, was charged with possessing child pornography last week. Mike Donovan, 39, Meehan’s uncle, has been man charged with abducting Shannon.

Two women have been bailed in connection with the abduction.


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