Short-term and online courses: new career opportunities without giving up work-life balance

Short-term and online courses: new career opportunities without giving up work-life balance

Managing both a successful career and a happy family can be tricky for all parents out there, and even more pressure is put on mothers especially.
In a recent article, Forbes refers to “mommy wars”, this intense divide between stay-at-home mums and working mothers. It may sound rather unimportant, but it’s actually a complicated societal issue with gender inequality at work, guilt brought on by motherhood at its core.

Luckily thanks to the wide choice of online and short term courses available these days, mothers don’t have to give up on all their career-related dreams even when they feel short on time and caught-up in the family routine. Online moocs especially have been enjoying an increasing popularity over the past years. The diversity of free courses available is a big advantage for many students: “Studying long distance like this is flexible and you do get the required support. It might develop you in ways you never dreamed possible.”

More flexible and to the point, these courses can truly boost your career faster than ever before so you don’t have to sacrifice family time. Here we take a look at some of the most in-demand and profitable short-term training courses to give you that edge in the workplace so you can achieve the perfect work-life balance.

1. Entrepreneurship

 If you’re looking for a better work-life balance, becoming an entrepreneur might be the ideal solution so you’re able to manage your own schedule around your family. Udacity offers an interesting “How to build a Startup” course that can be an excellent introduction to starting a business. At only $40, it’s well worth a try if you’re thinking about it.

2. Programming 

Programmers are in high-demand at the moment and this is a skill that could give your career a high boost or even be an opportunity to start your own business. What’s more, women are considered better at coding so this shouldn’t scare you off. Courses also widely available online, like on Udemy.

3. Health and beauty specialities

Health and beauty is a sector that’s engrossing billions each passing year and the demand is still growing. If you’re already working in the medical sector and looking for a career change, training in non-invasive beauty treatments such as botox and dermal fillers can be very gratifying.

4. Finance

Free finance moocs are all over the web these days and they can really help you master the financial side of your business or give you the opportunity you earn new responsibilities in your current career. Two of the best courses on the subject are offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well as the University of Pennsylvania.



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