Struggling to get back into the swing of things after a nice break for the summer holidays? Wish you could stay in relaxation mode for… well, forever, and still get paid for it?
Unfortunately, this is no advert for a business opportunity that will make you rich while you sleep. Feeling lazy is natural – but few of us have the luxury to still survive while we do absolutely nothing at all day in, day out.
Some people seem to have an endless supply of energy and enthusiasm that just do sent seem to infect you. How do they do it? Here are some tips to hell you stay motivated when you’re feeling lazy:
1. Take a break
If you didn’t have a break (or enough of one) during the summer, and still feel exhausted, plan a break. You can decide what that break looks like – a spa day, a weekend away with the girls or your other half, or just a few days of switching off technology (emails, social media, TV…).
Whatever you decide will give you a mental and physical break, make an agreement with yourself that once you take that break, you’ll come back fully charged and raring to go.
2. Fake it till you make it
Feeling lazy can be contagious. If you slob around your house all day, letting the world go past you, it will start to affect your attitude to your work and family life. These things don’t often go unnoticed – especially if you
3. Rearrange your workspace
Moving your pen pot, seating position and other bits and bobs can make everything feel like new. The psychology of this can be a real motivation when it comes to getting back into work mode.
If you work for an employer, there may be a limit to what you can do, but why not put up some motivational messages or A4 posters around your desk, buy some new notebooks and pens etc, to liven up your work environment?
4. Try something new
Could the laziness be down to boredom? Maybe it’s time to add a new dimension to your business? Or change your business altogether? If you don’t enjoy what you do, it will be difficult to get motivated about the work.
5. Set yourself a few goals
The age old goal-setting is one we’ve all heard of, but sometimes the old methods are the best. Set yourself some goals, and share them with a friend or family member who will call you task.
If you only have yourself to answer to (and are already struggling to stay motivated) it will be a challenge to achieve those goals, but if you have someone who checks up on you and ask you how you’re getting on, you’re more likely to make some effort to reaching that goal.
If you don’t have a friend you can call on, have you thought about getting a career or business mentor?