21 days to form a habit habits

Cracking the Code: The Science Behind Forming a Habit in 21 Days

If you read our previous post on habits, you’ll already know that establishing a new habit typically takes around 21 days. That’s just three weeks, which isn’t a lengthy period. However, making that habit stick is an entirely different story. This is why we wanted to delve into the science behind habit formation in today’s discussion. With this knowledge, we genuinely hope to better equip you on your journey to kickstart new habits.

5 Top Tricks and Tips for Making New Habits Stick

5 Top Tricks and Tips for Making New Habits Stick

Imagine if everything that needs effort in life ran on autopilot; how fab would it be to have a change of pace. Not having to remember to do chores, go to the gym or exercise, get to work, and stay on top of finances and everything that keeps us up at night.

Let’s get back to reality and hope that technology meets up to our dreams of doing nothing, very soon! Unless you can get Alexa, Siri or Google to put in that daily grind for you on automate, these daily tasks are not just simply going to disappear. However, if you programme some habits into your daily routine, you can reduce much of the stress and struggle from your day.

With a little bit of discipline, we can all create new habits that require low maintenance – and what a perfect time to get started with that, at the start of a new year and new decade!