Learning from the big C

Podcast – Learning From the Big ‘C’

She’s like the new recruit at work that just blows his own trumpet and makes everything about him: Corona! You know the type – acts like he knows everything under the sun about not only the job, the industry but the world! He makes everyone believe his hype and that what he says is gospel…

We won’t get not the politics, the medical evidence, conspiracy theories or anything like that here! Not because I want to sit on the fence on those issues – I really don’t. But it’s because I want to focus on the learning outcomes. This is the one area we have some control over.

read a book a day

No time to read? Here’s how you can read a book a day

Yes – we all know the excuses (reasons) why we can’t read. We are busy working, or sorting out the children, or too tired, or need to help someone in the house do something. But the truth is, reading doesn’t mean you have to stop everything you’re doing.

According to a recent YouGov survey, a staggering 4 million adults don’t read for pleasure. If you’re one of these statistics and want to change that, then audiobooks are the way forward.

How to not let your colleagues make you feel like a skiver

How to not let your colleagues make you feel like a skiver

There’s nothing more irritating than doing your job (really well!), working your contracted hours and being made to feel like you’re doing something wrong because you’re leaving on time.

But how do you manage that when you’re colleagues are constantly making comments that make you feel like you’re letting the side down, or aren’t doing enough?

Podcast: Lindsey Benson of The Birthing Shirt Company

Podcast: Lindsey Benson of The Birthing Shirt Company

We love a good inspirational story of a career mum who is making waves in business...in walks Lindsey Benson, mumpreneur of The Birthing Company (www.TheBirthingShirtCompany.com). Lindsey Benson, The Birthing Shirt CompanyLindsey is a great example of how career mums can successfully use transferable skills from their career experience and turn into a business. Listen to the podcast to find out how she has changed the way she works so she could spend more time with her young sons, and has managed to get the NCT to back product.