Podcast: Are you trading from the right business entity?

Podcast: Are you trading from the right business entity?

Are you thinking of starting a business but don’t know whether to set up as a limited company or declare self-employed income to the taxman?

Podcast: Tax breaks and allowances for homeworkers and mumpreneurs

Podcast: Tax breaks and allowances for homeworkers and mumpreneurs

Did you know that you can claim tax on your utility bills if you work from home? Did you know that you can claim tax on that mobile phone you took out just for business?

claimable tax expensesWhether you’re self-employed or own a limited company, thee are tax breaks that many of us are unsure of the legality of claiming, or don’t know at all.

Listen to this podcast with mum, accountant and partner of Wellers Accountants Norma Stewart to find out what you should be claiming, and start clawing back something from the tax man in time for the January online tax return deadline.

Podcast: Understanding the flat-rate VAT scheme

Podcast: Understanding the flat-rate VAT scheme

The government has set out a flat-rate VAT scheme to help smaller businesses claim and charge VAT without having to earn a threshold amount. Find out more about the scheme and how you can claw back some money in today's podcast with mum, accountant and partner of Wellers Accountants, Norma Stewart.
Podcast: Self-employed or a limited company? How to choose the right business entity to trade from

Podcast: Self-employed or a limited company? How to choose the right business entity to trade from

Are you thinking of starting a business but don't know whether to set up as a limited company or declare self-employed income to the taxman? 20111206-112902.jpgIn the first of a three-part business finance series with mum, accountant, and partner of Weller Accountants Norma Stewart, we find out the pros and cons of both and what you really need to know about choosing your trading entity before you sign on the dotted line.
Podcast: Lindsey Benson of The Birthing Shirt Company

Podcast: Lindsey Benson of The Birthing Shirt Company

We love a good inspirational story of a career mum who is making waves in business...in walks Lindsey Benson, mumpreneur of The Birthing Company (www.TheBirthingShirtCompany.com). Lindsey Benson, The Birthing Shirt CompanyLindsey is a great example of how career mums can successfully use transferable skills from their career experience and turn into a business. Listen to the podcast to find out how she has changed the way she works so she could spend more time with her young sons, and has managed to get the NCT to back product.
Podcast: Need help to bring out the maths genius in your child? Maths supreme Carol Vorderman gives tips on how to do just that!

Podcast: Need help to bring out the maths genius in your child? Maths supreme Carol Vorderman gives tips on how to do just that!

Not only is Carol known for working out the strangest looking sums on Countdown in seconds, but she is also a busy working mother of two children herself. Her eldest child is starting at Cambridge University doing a very whizzy degree, so if anyone knows about how to get children to love and understand maths, then Carol Vorderman does!