Three home office must-haves

Are you about to start working from home, or start a home-based business and don’t know what items you need to purchase to help you be as effective as possible in your new work environment?

Here are some must-haves that every home office should have:

A place to sit
Having a home office doesn’t mean you have vast amounts of rooms in your home that you can choose to convert into a make ship office block. Even if you’re working from the family living room, you ca make it work.

But, one important area is where you sit – not only because it will let you and your family know that you are working, but it just isn’t great for you back to be hunched over your laptop on the bed, or couch. You may start off working from the kitchen table, but that can start to become a bone of contention if your family can’t eat because of your paperwork.

Office desks are very affordable these days, and they come in all shapes and sizes, you can choose one that works best for the space you have.

Even the most efficient working mum can forget things sometimes. Amongst all the notebooks, files (paper and electronic), it can get overwhelming, a d become easy to miss something.

A post it note that you stick on your laptop, or in the corner of your notebook will make key dates, or important information accessible, and save you crucial time.

A wall planner
A diary is great, a reminder on your phone is even better, but sometimes it helps to have a calendar on your wall that you can mark things on for you and the whole family. It just helps to stay on top of the juggling that us working mums do.

If you get everything down on your wall planner and make a point of transferring them into your phone or pocket diary, you’ll be one step ahead of the game!

Joycellyn Akuffo

Founder and editor of, a mother of two wonderful children, wife, entrepreneur (check out and journalist.

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