According to there has been a surge in Brits turning to ‘private’ health care, with people going online to check out embarrassing conditions.
According to new research, the top five most researched conditions are menopause, thrush, cystitis, chlamydia and haemorrhoids.
Three quarters of respondents have have used the internet for a digital diagnosis in the last six months. The ?Silver Surfer? generation are the biggest ?cyberchondriacs?, with 32 per cent of over 55s regularly investigating their symptoms online.
Brits are so keen to keep it private that 48 per cent prefer to search the internet for health symptoms in the privacy of their own homes.
The worrying figure is that?55 per cent will read whatever sites are thrown up, regardless of whether the content is medically sound or not.
?Boots pharmacist, Angela Chalmers willed users to use trusted websites such as NHS Direct or the Ask Boots service online.