Want to know the sex of your baby? Try out these old wives tales

Everyone knows the scenario. You’re pregnant and all of your family have their own way of determining the sex of your baby.

Online baby retailer, 4little1s.com, compiled research to find out some of the most popular, weird and funniest old wives tales that have been handed down over the generations.

The sex of the baby can be determined by the baby’s heart rate. If it sounds like a train, it’s a boy. If it sounds like a horse, it’s a girl.

Another advises that heartburn means the baby will be born with lots of hair.

Another tale says that the position of your bump can foretell whether it’s a boy or a girl. If you put on weight and grow all over, it’s a girl. If your weight gain and fill is in front, it’s a boy.

According to this myth, if you ‘serve’ morning sickness, you are having a girl. A number of mothers that took part agreed that in instances of severe morning sickness, they did indeed go on to have girls.

Though the accuracy of these methods are sometimes questionable, it’ll be fun giving some of them a go while waiting for your new arrival!


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