So you’ve been doing well with your side hustle for a while now and you might even be considering taking the next step to grow your side hustle into a full-time job. But are you ready to quit your job to rely on your side hustle as your only source of income? You might need to think about it a bit more. In this article, we hope to give you some things to consider before quitting your full-time job.
Your Side Hustle Income Hasn’t Replaced Your Day Job Income Yet
You really shouldn’t quit your job if your side hustle isn’t even generating enough profit yet. You don’t want to lose your main source of income now, do you? If you don’t have any money saved up, how are you going to put food on the table? It would be totally irresponsible of you if you quit without thinking your finances through, especially if you’ve got family depending on you!
You Still Enjoy And Love Your Day Job
It’s going to be hard to leave your job behind if you know you’re going to miss it. You’ve probably built relationships with your co-workers and you’d feel sad if you don’t see them and get to hang out with them nearly every day. If you’re not ready to say goodbye yet, then stay a little while longer. Your side hustle can wait. Likewise, if you feel like you’ve got a good chance of moving up the ladder and it’s something you really want to go for, then don’t leave just yet. If you’ve got a stable job with good benefits, then you may want to think extra hard before quitting. Weigh the pros and cons so you can make an informed decision.

You’re Not Sure If Your Side Hustle Will Remain Profitable For The Foreseeable Future
You love working on your side hustle, but you’re not sure if it’s going to be profitable for much longer. Sure, you can look for other side hustles, but it’s going to mean starting from scratch. In that case, you will need to delay handing in your resignation letter. Just remember that when you do decide to focus on your side hustle, you’re going to be your own boss. This means you’re going to pay your taxes, insurance, business expenses, etc. As you can see, it’s going to take a toll on your finances if you don’t think everything through!
These are just a few things to think about before taking the plunge and quitting your job to focus on your side hustle. Try weighing up the pros and cons of quitting to help you with deciding whether it’s the right thing to do.