With obesity rates at a record high, we need to educate our children about nutrition early.
Between the ages of one and five, children form their habits that mould their later lives. This is an essential time to teach them how to live a healthy lifestyle.That’s where the FunPod, a practical safety product for walking toddlers from around 12 months to five years that keeps them out of harms way and encourages active involvement in the kitchen, comes in handy.
The FunPod, sold for ?99.99, is available in four contemporary colour, has five adjustable height settings, a specially designed anti-tip base and lockable footplate conforming to all relevant European safety regulations.
Competition: To win a FunPod, tell us exactly how many toddlers visited a UK hospital with a kitchen related accident in one year? Clue: www.littlehelper.co.uk may have the answer. Complete the form below with your answer, placing FunPod in the subject line.
For more information about the FunPod visit: www.littlehelper.co.uk
Good luck!