Working from home? Five ways to stop getting distracted

Working form home can open you up to a whole new world of distractions, but you can avoid them once you recognise them

I remember my first experience of working from home, and how daunting and exciting it was at the same time.

No more office politics, no spreading out work in the office when it could be done in less time, and just getting a better work-life balance. Sounds like a dream, huh!

Well it was – until the little distractions started kicking in. Six years later, I still run my websites from home, so here are some tips I use to avoid unnecessary distractions:

Beware: friends and family on the prowl

One of the few annoying things about working from home is the perception by some that you are not ‘working’ but just at home. Some people take quite a while to get an understanding of the fact that you really are working, and that calling you umpteen times a day is actually disturbing you – and they would not e able to do that if you were working in-house for an employer.

It’s one of those things that you just need to nip in the bud – make it clear that you don’t want to be called (on the phone or in person) during the set times that you are working.

If they still don’t get the message, get caller ID on your phone, and stop letting them in!

One load of washing or two

It’s great being able to multitask when you work from home – but if it means that you are actually doing the housework and not the work you are supposed to be doing, then it defeats the purpose.

As with working in-house, you do need to take breaks – especially if you work with a PC or laptop for most of your work. Go and make a drink for yourself, and maybe put one load in the washing machine (the time it takes for the kettle to boil), but don’t start the ironing while you’re there, too…

Switch off the TV

Unless it’s for research that is really required for the job (real research!) you don’t need to have the TV on while working. Switch it off.

If you need some background noise, play some subtle music or listen to the radio – but don’t start phoning in for competitions, and debates, you never know who may be listening and will catch you out!

Don’t daydream

Again, having a break when you work from home is just as important as it was when you worked in-house. So, if you find yourself drifting off in a daydream repeatedly, it’s time to take a break.

If it’s because the work you are doing is too boring, break it up and mix more interesting tasks with it, so you don’t have a long block of mundane work to do.

Stop surfing the internet

If you are reading this post while working from home, then you’ve had your break now – get back to work! 🙂


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