Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to getting things done?

Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to getting things done?
Don't get yourself stressed at the thought of business success
Don't get yourself stressed at the thought of business success
Don't get yourself stressed at the thought of business success

During the three years and more that I have been running, I have spoken to numerous mums who are all at different stages in business.

Even working mums who feel they have no business idea, or are not cut out to run a business often surprise themselves by the time they have finished speaking with me because quite often they just lack confidence in themselves, or use the usual excuses (lack of time, not enough energy, lack of skills etc) without realising that the “reasons” they are giving can be put aside or remedied so they can start earning an income through themselves.

What is stopping you from succeeding in business?
Are you the reason why you haven’t started reaping the rewards of having your own business?

A lot of mums are. I know a few of them – they complain about not wanting to go back to work because they want to be there for their kids, but they still won’t make a start on just doing the basic research into the business idea they have to see if it could become a viable business.

Fear is the opposite of faith
A lot of mums are scared of starting a business because they feel they don’t have or don’t want to make the financial commitment they think is required to start.

The fact is, a lot of businesses can be started with zero budget – especially if it is a home-based business, and especially if it uses your current skills and experience, because more than likely you will have all the tools you already need to do the work. And quite often, if you don’t have the tools, you’ll know someone who can lend them to you while you get yourself started.

I don’t have enough time to run a business

Isn’t it amazing how we have time to spend chatting to friends and family on the phone, how we have time to watch soaps, or lose time daydreaming about what could have been and the past?

If you use just a quarter of that time – or let’s be generous and say an hour a day – to start working on your business, you would have put in seven hours in a week, at least 28 hours a month, and within three months clocked at least 82 hours. Now if you haven’t started earning some money by the end of that amount of time, or at least be very close to launching your new service or product, then something is wrong!

My kids are too young
I almost want to scream when I hear that one. I always say – please, go to and just read the profiles of all our business mums. If you can find a business mum that wasn’t either pregnant when she started looking into her business idea, or didn’t have a newborn/toddler/preschooler when she started then let me know!

Motherhood is one of the most inspiring stages of our lives as women, and because of our children, and the need we have to do what is best for them, it is a great motivator for many women to start a business. Why should you be any different?


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