You can set up a business during a recession – Kiddiroo mums share their story

Setting up a business on the cusp of the recession may seem like the worst time, but if you can get a business to work now, just think how successful it could be when we’re finally over the credit crunch?

Friends , 30 joined forces last year and in October launched an online Kiddiroo (, an online shopping and party site that sells children’s gifts and accessories from around the world. Kiddiroo?s Kirsty Kenyon (left) and Jane Ramones (right)With three children between them, it’s been somewhat of a juggling act, but they are getting there…

What was the motivating factor for staring your own business?
Like many young mothers, balancing childcare and a busy working life is often not financially viable, so we decided to combine our strengths and skills in this new venture. We identified a gap in the market in online shopping for children’s accessories and as a consequence created this online store selling good quality children’s products that provides a personal service to customers.

Running a business can be a mixed bag sometimes. What have been your highs and lows so far?
Although Kirsty and I were ready for the challenge of setting up a new business and appreciated that it would be hard work, we didn’t realise how long the process would take. As we were full-time mums as well, we had to work around the children so the majority of our preparation was done in the evenings and on weekends. There were times when we thought the site would never be ready, however, it all came together and our hard work paid off when the site finally went live in October, and we received our first order.

I wouldn’t say we have had any bad experiences, however, there are constant challenges along the way. After overcoming the initial hurdle of launching the site, there lay the next challenge of promoting the company and bringing in business, which can be disheartening at times.
When you receive orders you know it has all been worthwhile.

How have you managed to stay on top of your career with the demands of motherhood?
It isn’t easy combining the two, but if you are motivated and hardworking then anything is possible.

Any tips for expectant mums, or mothers who feel that you can’t have a successful career and a happy family life at the same time?
All mums are different. Some are happy to stay at home with their children, whereas some are ready to get back into the workplace – be it full time or part time. You need to do what you feel is best and what makes you happy. If it means returning to work then as long as it works out financially, there is nothing stopping you.


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