10 reasons why you should start a home business online

10 reasons why you should start a home business online
Start a home-based business the right way andreap the rewards later

If your New Year?s resolution is to start your own business, but you are still undecided about what business to start, then a home online business is a good place to start.

Start a home online business and watch your bank account grow

Start a home online business and watch your bank account grow

There are so many positives to running a home business online that even if you have another business, it is tempting just to start one anyway! Still thinking about it? You can get a deeper insight into lucrative home business ideas in my guide, How to Stay Home and Earn Money. In the meantime, here are 10 reasons why you should start an online business from home:

1. For work-life balance. You’d rather spend the hours wasted commuting to work with your family, or doing a hobby?

2. You can start small and build your empire gradually. Yes, you don?t have to demand your P45 just because you want to run your own online business – you can work part time, building your new home business online until you see it taking off. Eventually, you?ll start earning the same or more from your business as your paid employment?that?s the time to deide if you like the extra money or if you want to resign from your job and focus on your business full time.

3. You can start an online business with little investment. In my ebook, How to Stay Home and Earn Money, I worked out that you can start an online business for less than ?25 ? website included, yes! And yes?that includes selling products online, hosting, and all that fancy stuff.

4. You can work around your childcare commitments. As a mum-of-two, I know who used to work full-time in the media, I still remember the guilt, annoyance and hassle it can be to take time off work when your child is ill, when the nursery is closed, when you need to take holidays around your child?s school term or because you need to take your child to a medical appointment that can?t be changed. When you work for yourself, no one can tell you that you can’t have time off?except yourself, of course.

5. All your hard work pays dividends in your bank account. I?ve always found it infuriating that as an employee, you are told how much you are worth ? no-one knows that except for yourself. And in some organizations, no matter how hard you work, the bonus or annual salary increase does not fully reflect this ? even if you have made tens of thousands for your company. That?s why running an online business is great for hard workers, because the more effort you put in, and the more money you make, the more money you earn.

6. You can earn money while you sleep. Yes, that?s right! Depending on your online business in question, you can automate payment systems, ordering, and other services, so while you sleep, are at the school PTA meeting, or are on holiday you can earn money.

7. A website works 24 hours a day without complaining. Your website will work overtime for you without complaining ? fabulous.

8. You can run a global online business from the kitchen table. Yes, if you?ve ever dreamed of being an international high-flyer, you can be just that without clocking a huge carbon footprint, or flights costs right from your own home, and no-one would need know that you are running the business on your own. It doesn’t cost any extra to send an email to Australia, or for your website to be used to make a purchase by someone in Europe ? your customer will pay for the shipping if it?s a physical item anyway, and if they?re happy to do so, who?s complaining?

9. Boom, boom, boom! Starting a home business online means you have a continuously growing market as more and more people come online every day.

10. It’s dress down Friday every day. You know those days when you really just don?t feel like getting all dolled up for work, but have to maintain corporate standards? You can stay in your tracksuit or pyjamas all day if you want and no-one will be any wiser.

So, now that you have seen the benefitof starting an online home business, you have no reason to not try it! If you are stuck for ideas, read my guide to help you find a good business: How to Stay Home and Earn Money. Be sure to come back and share your journey with us.


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